Main Objective:
- New 5G/6G network architectures enabled by AI, capable of providing network automation and optimization functions, and composing resources and services in 6G networks.
- An intelligent marketplace anchored in DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies), capable of supporting multi-party collaboration as the backbone of dynamic 6G ecosystems.
- Security methods and mechanisms that ensure the reliability, confidentiality, and privacy of users of an advanced 5G or 6G network, thus defining its qualities.
Our Role:
- New cloud-edge architecture that enables dynamic resource discovery, allocation and interconnection, and the orchestration of the 5G/6G services (e.g. VNFs) at the network's edge by using the zero touch network and service management (ZSM) framework under development by ETSI, and its validation with an holographic teleportation applications.
AI for 6G: Ultra Automation and Optimisation
6G Enablers Github
To know more
This initiative is funded by the Spanish Ministry for Digital Transformation and Civil Service through the project titled “Zero-Contact Technologies for Adaptation in Intelligent and Distributed 5G Networks – 6GENABLERS: AI for 6G, Ultra Automation and Optimization (TSI-063000-2021-10)” and co-financed by the European Union’s NextGenerationEU program via the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
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