While early-bird ticket sales were originally scheduled to end last Friday, we’ve decided to give you one more week to save on tickets to OpenNebulaConf 2016. You now have until next Friday, September 23rd, to get your OpenNebulaConf tickets for the deeply discounted price of just €480 apiece. We won’t be extending this great opportunity again.
OpenNebulaConf is your chance to get an up-close look at OpenNebula’s latest product updates, hear the project’s vision and strategy, get hands-on tutorials and workshops, and get lots of opportunities to network and share ideas with your peers. You’ll also get to attend all the parties and after-parties to keep the networking and the good times going long after the show floor closes for the day.
[av_button label=’Sign Up Now’ link=’manually,http://www.eventbrite.com/e/opennebulaconf-2016-october-24-26-tickets-20778899247′ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue849′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-4v1osf’]
The agenda includes four keynote speakers:
- Jack Wadden from Akamai will give a keynote about how they use OpenNebula in their system for saving and cloning multi-node integration test environments on-demand.
- Alfonso Aurelio Carrillo Aspiazu, David Artuñedo Guillén and Maria Luisa García Osma from Telefonica will give a keynote about how they use OpenNebula and ON.Lab’s ONOS to prototype a new generation of Central Offices
- Matteo Lanati from LRZ will will give a keynote about how Leibniz Supercomputing Centre is reconsidering the usage model of its cloud infrastructure based on OpenNebula.
- Daniel Dehennin from EOLE will will give a keynote about how they use to smooth the development and test of a turn key GNU/Linux distribution for the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale (France).
Community Sessions
Unlike previous editions, we will have a single track with 10-minutes talks, to keep all the audience focused and interested. We have given our very best to get the perfect balance of topics. We will have talks by Unity Technologies, StorPool, LINBIT, NetWays…
Hands-on Workshops
We will have four 90-minute hands-on workshops, where some of the key contributors to OpenNebula will walk attendees through the configuration and integration aspects of the main subsystems in OpenNebula:
- Networking, NFVs and SDNs
- Storage
- Hypervisors and Containers
- Security, Federation & Hybrid Hands-on Workshop
These hans-on sessions will also include 5-minute lightning talks focusing on one key point. If you would like to talk in these sessions, please contact us!
Pre-conference Tutorials
This year we will have two pre-conference tutorials:
- Introductory Hands-on Tutorial
- Advanced Hands-on Tutorial
Also, your company may be interested in the sponsorship opportunities for OpenNebulaConf 2016, there are still some sponsorship slots available. Current sponsors of the OpenNebulaConf 2016 include StorPool and LINBIT as Platinum Sponsor, NodeWeaver and Open-V as Gold Sponsor, Terradue and Todo En Cloud as Silver Sponsor, and CSUC as Community Sponsor.
[av_button label=’Become a Sponsor’ link=’manually,https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LpzifvDe3XBRcPYHzaZetGsUM0MEwPtZbILt3pPN9NQ/viewform’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue849′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-pa7qkf’]
We are looking forward to welcoming you personally in Barcelona!.