Next week, just before our first OpenNebulaConf in Berlin, we will be busy at ISC Cloud 2013 in Heidelberg. This conference brings together developers, users, managers and decision makers from industry,research, and development to give them the opportunity to find out about the newest trends in Cloud Computing, and participate in intensive and valuable discussions. The event will address currently popular topics such as High Performance Computing (HPC) as a service, industrial and scientific application software in the Cloud, new software licence models, security in the Cloud, computing power and data protection.
We will participate with a hands-on tutorial and an invited talk:
- The tutorial “Building your Cloud for HPC, here and now, in 3 hours!” will cover the process of building a private cloud using OpenNebula with a special focus on configuring and operating the cloud instances for the execution of virtualized computing services. The attendees will build, configure and operate their own OpenNebula cloud!.
- The invited talk “Cloud Architectures for HPC – Industry Case Studies” will describe the most demanded features for building HPC and science clouds, and will illustrate using real-life case studies from leading research and industry organizations how OpenNebula effectively addresses these challenges of cloud usage, scheduling, security, networking and storage. .