Blog Article:

New WHMCS module for OpenNebula Enterprise Edition

WHMCS Module for OpenNebula cover

Neal Hansen

Senior Cloud Solutions Architect at OpenNebula Systems

Feb 18, 2022

With the release of OpenNebula 6.2.1 we are happy to announce that our first WHMCS module is now available to enterprise customers! 🎉 The new WHMCS Tenants Module can help create and manage user accounts, user groups, usage quotas, and ACLs (Access Control Lists). Bringing these features into WHMCS also enables you to easily incorporate automated billing for your users based on their resource usage in your OpenNebula Cloud.

WHMCS Logo Module for OpenNebula Enterprise Edition

With WHMCS you can customize nearly every aspect of the shopping, checkout, and billing processes providing your users with an experience unique to your product. The system can then automatically generate and send invoices to your users and provide payment through WHMCS billing systems and allow users to purchase extra resources, as necessary. This WHMCS module can also take a lot of the tediousness out of configuring many users and their limits. You can simply provide predetermined price points and resource limits for your users to decide what they need, and the integration between WHMCS and OpenNebula will handle the creation of objects inside of OpenNebula for you.

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You’ll need to install WHMCS on a host that is accessible to your users, and then copy the module files to the directory in which WHMCS is installed. We have provided documentation for this as well as for the functionality of the module itself. The documentation also has steps for configuring the module to work with your cloud as well as setting up products. 

On the topic of products, there is plenty of flexibility for customization and organization. Using product groups you cOn the topic of products, there is plenty of flexibility for customization and organization. Using product groups you can set up various resource sets – such as different datacenters, or on different hardware configurations. Products can also be marked to be Upgraded/Downgraded to and from one another, so you could have multiple tiers within the same product group for different resource amounts, and your users could upgrade or downgrade among those products to suit their needs.

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Another product feature is the Metrics Billing options. You can enable these and set pricing based on resource types such as IP Addresses, Total RAM, Total vCPUs, and access to supporting multiple VDCs. This enables your users to customize the resources assigned to their virtual machines and bill them appropriately. When everything is set up and configured, you’ll be ready to put WHMCS to work, making your life easier by automating the sales process of your OpenNebula resources.

Exclusive features and integrations, like this one, are just one of many benefits of having an OpenNebula Subscription and using our Enterprise Edition ⭐ If you have any questions, or would like more information, you can reach out to


  1. Flo


    since this module aims at the competitive hosting market, it would be smarter if you charge for the module per hypervisor node instead of linking it to the EE, since that combination would not relate/scale to the generated revenue.

    • Shivang Kapoor


      Thanks for the suggestion! 🤗

      We have indeed priced this per node as our EE pricing scales with the number of nodes.

  2. Anton


    Is there an option to bill clients and charge for traffic, memory, cpu usage?
    not just a price for VM’s capacity but for actual usage.


  3. ghaith khelifi

    is the whmcs module available to the CE the COMMUNITY EDITION?
    i use the opensource community edition and i want to add whmcs


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