The OpenNebula Project is proud to announce the first agenda and line-up of speakers for the fifth OpenNebula Conference to be held in Cambridge, MA from the 19 to the 20 of June 2017. Guided by your feedback from previous edition, we included more educational and community sessions to learn and do networking.
The agenda includes four keynote speakers:
- James Cuff from Harvard FAS Research Computing will discuss their strategy moving forwards and the current and existing infrastructures in place to allow for seamless provisioning of research computing.
- Justin Riley from Harvard FAS Research Computing will give a keynote about how they converted their internal VM infrastructure from a completely home-made KVM cluster to a more robust and reliable system powered by OpenNebula and Ceph configured with public cloud integration. .
- Jack Wadden from Akamai will give a keynote about how they use OpenNebula in their system for saving and cloning multi-node integration test environments on-demand.
- Alfonso Aurelio Carrillo Aspiazu from Telefonica will give a keynote about how they use OpenNebula and ON.Lab’s ONOS to prototype a new generation of Central Offices.
Educational Sessions
This year we will have two pre-conference tutorials:
We have also increased the number of educational contents with presentations from the OpenNebula team showing and demoing some of the most demanded features and latest integrations.
- Orchestration of VMware Datacenters with OpenNebula
- OpenNebula Hybrid Clouds with Amazon and Azure
- Configuration Management with OpenNebula and Ansible
- Building Clouds with OpenNebula and Ceph
- Disaster Recovery and High Availability with OpenNebula
- Using Docker with OpenNebula
Community Sessions
We had a big response to the call for presentations. Thanks for submitting a talk proposal!. Although all submissions were of very high quality and merit, because this year we increased the educational contents we only have space for a few community presentations. Jordi Guijarro from CSUC, Roy Keene from Knight Point and Hayley Swimelar from LINBIT will discuss their experiences and integrations with OpenNebula.
We will also have two Meet the Experts sessions providing an informal atmosphere where delegates can interact with experts who will give their undivided attention for knowledge, insight and networking; and a session for 5-minute lightning talks. If you would like to talk in these sessions, please contact us!
Besides its amazing talks, there are multiple goodies packed with the OpenNebulaConf registration. You are still in time for getting a good price deal for tickets. There is a 20% discount until May 12nd.
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We are looking forward to welcoming you personally in Boston!