
TechDay Bilbao

Artificial Intelligence and the European Sovereign Cloud

  • February 21, 2025 @ 9:00-15:00 CET
  • B Accelerator Tower (BAT)
OpenNebula Techday Bilbao 25

About this TechDay

We are really excited to announce the first edition of our TechDay Bilbao, organized in conjunction with IKERLANthe technology center of the MONDRAGON Corporationthrough the Horizon Europe project COGNIT. This exclusive event will provide you with an unparalleled opportunity to explore the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence in connection with the new Sovereign Cloud that Europe is building through strategic projects like the new €3B IPCEI Cloud. Set to take place on February 21 the meeting will be hosted at the B Accelerator Tower, an iconic building in Bilbao that provides a unique environment for innovative companies in the digital field but also in sectors related to energy, fintech, mobility and logistics, and manufacturing.

Join us and find out more about the role that AI is expected to play in the deployment and management of next-generation digital infrastructures in a number of strategic sectors, and how the emerging Cloud-Edge Continuum is going to support innovative data processing applications closer to your IoT devices and end usersincreasing security, reducing latency and optimizing energy consumption while strengthening the technological sovereignty and competitiveness of the European industry. This event is especially relevant to CEOs, CTOs, Innovation Leaders, Project Managers, Technology Analysts, and Entrepreneurs.



09:00-09:30 Attendee Accreditation 📝
09:30-10:15 Welcome & Opening Words

Josu BilbaoDirector of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, IKERLAN.
Jordi GuijarroPrincipal Technologist for Cloud-Edge Innovation, OpenNebula Systems.

10:15-11:15 [PANEL] Using AI to manage your Digital Infrastructure

Moderator: Antonio AlvarezPMO, OpenNebula


11:15-11:45 Coffee Break ☕
11:45-12:15 [DEMO] Discover the COGNIT Serverless Framework
12:15-13:15 [PANEL] Real Use Cases where AI is making a difference

Moderator: Idoia de la Iglesia — Team Leader Intelligence of Things, Ikerlan


  • Nerea ArangurenVice President, Mondragon Corporation | Managing Director, DANOBATGROUP
  • Pedro Estévez — I+D+i, Project Deparment, CAF
  • Oscar Fernández de RetanaR+D Director, Arteche
  • Ana María CuevasDirector Mix, Grupo Eroski
13:15-13:30 Closing Speech

Closing remarks.

  • Laura MarrónDirector, BAIC
  • Josu BilbaoDirector of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, IKERLAN.
13:30-15:00 Networking Lunch 🥩


OpenNebula TechDay Bilbao 2023 Logo
Ikerlan Logo OpenNebula TechDay Bilbao 2023


EN Co fundedbytheEU RGB POS

This work has received funding from the COGNIT Project through the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement 101092711 – SovereignEdge.Cognit (2023-2025).