Blog Article:

Are you using OpenNebula?

Borja Sotomayor

Mar 18, 2011

As an open-source community partially funded with public funding, it is very important for us to keep an updated list of organizations and projects using OpenNebula. Doing so puts us in a better position to get grants and keep OpenNebula well funded through a combination of public and private funding.

If your organization or project is not listed in our Users and Projects page, and you would be willing to be listed, please fill out this really quick form or contact our community manager. Details of your OpenNebula deployment are welcome, but not strictly necessary, as we know it is often not possible to reveal this information publicly. Just allowing us to list the name of your organization on the Users and Projects page would be enough.


  1. oliver wynn

    I’m using open nebula for my final year project as part of my computer science degree. It’s very good.

  2. Lam Bas

    do you have a tutorial “How to work with OpenNebula”?

  3. borja

    Lam: All our documentation can be found at We don’t currently have a single tutorial document, but our documentation should provide you with concrete instructions on how to set up OpenNebula from scratch. If you have any trouble doing this, please don’t hesitate to ask on our mailing list.



  1. » Archives » Who Is Using OpenNebula? - [...] weeks ago we started an initiative to create a list of organizations using OpenNebula. This ended up being more…
  2. Who Is Using OpenNebula? « Cloud Computing - [...] weeks ago the OpenNebula project started an initiative to create a list of organizations using OpenNebula. This ended up being…

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