There are already several well established grid and cloud infrastructures in Europe. The next issue is how to exploit these infrastructures, how to port and develop applications for these infrastructures and how to extend their user communities. The main goal of this summer school is to give answers for these questions and to promote best practice examples for potential application developers and users of e-science infrastructures. The summer school is co-organised by three current European Union projects, SCI-BUS, SHIWA and EDGI, to show various aspects of cloud and grid computing.
A whole day is devoted to cloud computing where students are trained on how to build and use cloud systems. This day is based on OpenNebula technology because of its widespread European use. In the morning, cloud systems in general, and OpenNebula will be introduced to the attendees. In the afternoon, during a hands-on session they will have a chance to use a cloud system, based on the latest release of OpenNebula.
We recommend the summer school for PhD students and technical staff members who are interested in learning the grid middleware, desktop grid and cloud technologies and also staff members of companies who would like to establish company level DCI (based on clouds, grids or desktop grids) and utilize this DCI or other commercial clouds via a high-level gateway service.
For detailed information, please visit this webpage: http://www.lpds.sztaki.hu/summerschool2012/
Registration deadline is 28th June, 2012.