Time flies, doesn’t it? OpenNebula 6.2 ‘Red Square’ is around the corner, and as we prepare for the release of this new minor version, we are now reaching out to all of you—dear members of the OpenNebula Community and intrepid explorers of the Cloud-Edge Continuum—to announce a new “Call for Translations“! 📣
This is one of the areas where we look to all of you for concrete contributions to the OpenNebula project, and this is something really simple to do. Here we are asking you to help translate both OpenNebula’s Graphical User Interface—including the beta of the revamped Sunstone!—and our great automatic provisioning tool—FireEdge—for any language that you can. And you have the flexibility to translate “one string at a time”. Piece of cake! 🤓
Existing translations can be updated and new translations submitted through our project site at Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/opennebula/ Never used it before? Don’t worry! Here you have a step-by-step introductory guide to this collaborative platform.
This “Call for Translations” will end on Friday, October 29 EOD. Translated languages reaching a good level of completion will be included in the stable release of OpenNebula 6.2! 🚀
Thank you all for your contributions! 🖖