Blog Article:

News from the Marketplace: Kubernetes Appliance

Petr Ospalý

Cloud Engineer at OpenNebula Systems

Apr 9, 2019

one k8s

A new appliance in the Marketplace:  Kubernetes = K8s

We are happy to announce a new addition to our steadily growing OpenNebula’s Marketplace. This time we are bringing to you the most popular container orchestration platform – Kubernetes. As with the previously introduced appliances (you can read more about them in our previous blogpost), our Kubernetes appliance too gives you a “press-of-a-button” simple option of how to create and deploy a functional service.

In the past, Kubernetes was notoriously hard to setup, that is the reason why projects like Rancher sprung up…(Do you want it as a future appliance? Let us know!) We also tried to make the creation of K8s clusters much simpler for you. The appliance supports multiple contextualization parameters to bend to your needs and to your required configuration. This works in very much the same spirit as all the other ONE service appliances.

On top of this, we extended the simplicity and versatility of this appliance’s usage with OneFlow service support, which makes perfect sense for Kubernetes clusters. Now you can deploy a whole K8s multi-node cluster with just one click. More info can be found in our Service Kubernetes documentation.

Kubernetes, Docker, microservices, containers and all those other trendy cloud technologies and terminologies can become confusing sometimes and not everyone is fully-versed in these new topics. (Did you hear about DevOps and CI / CD?) So we better clarify what exactly our Kubernetes appliance does for you and what it doesn’t.

This service appliance provides you with a K8s cluster (one master node and arbitrary number of worker nodes – including zero). Every node is just a regular VM, with which you are familiar. OpenNebula does NOT manage containers or pods inside a created K8s cluster. When you deploy this service appliance, you get a K8s cluster which exposes the Kubernetes API (on a designated ip address of the master node). You can access it via kubectl or UI dashboard (the picture below) to create pods, deployments, services etc. You can also add more nodes to the cluster any time later using the contextualization. But other than that, you are in charge and it is up to you to keep it up and running.

Have a look in the OpenNebula Marketplace.

VideoButtonCheck out the video screencast of how to get started with the k8s appliance




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