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Sponsor Announcement for OpenNebulaCon 2024: StorPool Storage

Francisco Picolini

Open Source Community Manager at OpenNebula Systems

May 28, 2024

We are glad to announce that StorPool Storage will join us, once again, as a Sponsor of the OpenNebulaCon 2024. StorPool, a renowned name in the industry, will collaborate with us to showcase and promote the latest innovations and developments in cloud and edge computing.

StorPool has been a proud sponsor of our conference since 2015, with no interruptions, especially after we moved to the online format. This partnership represents a lot to us, and it’s an opportunity to show how integrations in our platform have a solid base. They will host a short Keynote where they will explain what are their latest development, and how their storage integration service is integrated into OpenNebula.

Join us at the conference to discover this and many other sessions around Cloud, Backup, AI, Automation, and many other relevant topics for the Cloud-Edge Continuum.

StorPool Storage: the ultimate storage solution

StorPool Storage is a block-storage platform designed for modern, large-scale cloud infrastructure. The platform delivers the ultimate speed, agility, scalability, and price/performance required by modern applications and users. 

StorPool’s customers are IT service providers building public, private, and hybrid clouds – typically Managed Service Providers, Cloud Service Providers, hosting companies, SaaS vendors, and other enterprises. 

The StorPool Storage platform is a Storage as a Service (STaaS) offering, with a bring-your-own servers model. It combines software, plus a fully managed storage service that transforms industry-standard hardware into an ultra-fast, highly available, and scalable storage system. 

StorPool has one of the oldest and deepest integrations with OpenNebula, plus a team of OpenNebula tech experts. StorPool is also one of the long-lasting supporters of the OpenNebula community, making them an exciting repeat OpenNebulaCon 2023 sponsor. Be sure to visit their booth for more information, or visit their website at

Join us at OpenNebulaCon 2024

OpenNebulaCon is a three-day online event, where we will cover the latest trends and news around Cloud Development. With a special focus on the open source, and our virtualization platform, we’ll showcase use cases and panels, to debate about development, roadmap, and new features.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the experts, and register now for free.


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