Blog Article:

Introducing our New Commercial Service to Migrate from VMware

Michael Abdou

Customer Success Manager at OpenNebula Systems

Jun 4, 2024

Time to Choose an Open Cloud Virtualization Platform

As we write this article, there is a lot of uncertainty with the current situation around Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware. Many companies are grappling with adjusting their budgets to accommodate the new license tiers and lack of support in this altered scenario. Companies that based all their infrastructure and trust on an agreement with a service that suddenly has changed, need to make a decision. This decision is whether or not they need to contemplate a migration from VMware to another platform.

This is the typical situation when there’s a dominant company in the market, and companies decide to purchase a service, without investigating or analyzing all the pros and cons that come with a specific service. If this story sounds familiar, keep reading.

OpenNebula as a VMware Alternative

OpenNebula has been a long-established leader in the open source cloud management software space, with a proven track record and many success stories with large scale deployments, cloud federations distributed across the globe, and single cloud instances scaling to over 2K+ hosts. OpenNebula simplifies your transition from VMware to KVM, offering innovative features and a streamlined process for building hybrid cloud infrastructure while putting full control in your hands. We are aware of all the hiccups that could arise when a migration process like this needs to take place, so along with this we offer a complete set of documentation to facilitate and make sure your company has all the information and tools needed.

Furthermore, we recently introduced OneSwap, a new user-friendly command-line tool designed to simplify and automate the process of migrating your virtual machines from vCenter Server to OpenNebula Cloud. You will be able to see this tool in action at our upcoming webinar. Along with this, we have a complete White Paper, available for free download, where we explain in detail how to migrate your VM workloads to the OpenNebula platform. This document provides a step-by-step guide with the resources for a successful migration.

A New Migration Service

Today we announce a new VMware Migration Service to help you plan and execute a VMware-to-OpenNebula migration strategy that satisfies your business requirements while minimizing disruption to critical business operations, ensuring success. It is a service that offers IT teams strong domain expertise to migrate virtual machines running on ESXi to KVM-based OpenNebula per a validated customer-provided migration plan.

Overall, OpenNebula Systems aims to simplify the migration process and assist companies in seamlessly continuing their cloud operations without compromising their infrastructure or facing concerns about unilateral changes to the service.

If your company is in this situation and wants to have more information about this Migration Service, don’t hesitate to contact us and request the VMware Migration service, clicking on the link provided below.

We are excited to launch a special VMware to OpenNebula Migration Promotion to help new and existing customers migrate to our proven virtualization and cloud platform. This limited time offer will help organizations minimize migration and dual operational costs during the transition.

We offer this Professional Service free of charge for:

  • Our existing OpenNebula Enterprise customers using VMware infrastructure, and seeking to fully migrate to a KVM-based solution, 
  • For new OpenNebula Enterprise customers buying an Enterprise Subscription (Standard or Premium SLA) for the first time with a minimum total of $50K (€40K) over one or multiple year terms.


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