OpenNebula Conf 2015: Call for Papers Started

Finally the third ever OpenNebula Conf opens its Call for Papers again. As you may already know, this year OpenNebula Conf is taking place in Barcelona, Spain, on October 20-22. Everybody who wants to join as a speaker can now propose a talk via the online form at:...

Upcoming TechDays in 2015

Besides our annual OpenNebula Conference, we are planning to organize Technology Day events in multiple cities globally during 2015. The OpenNebula TechDays are full day events to learn about OpenNebula with a hands-on cloud installation and operation workshop, and...

Get the Best Price on OpenNebulaConf 2015

Now that we’re solidly in 2015, it’s a great time to start thinking about the technical events you want to attend this year. OpenNebulaConf 2015 is a great opportunity to share experiences and meet people with expertise and interest in OpenNebula.  ...

Sponsorship Opportunities for OpenNebulaConf 2015

Last year, we launched the second OpenNebula Conf in Berlin, Germany. We could welcome an international audience of people from 12 different countries, had experts from companies like CentOS, Runtastic, Puppet Labs, Cloudweavers, RedHat, Deutsche Post and could offer...

4.12 Features: SPICE Support in Sunstone

In addition to the well known VNC support in Sunstone, OpenNebula 4.12 will include support to interact with Virtual Machines using the SPICE protocol. This feature can be enabled for any Virtual Machine just checking the option in the input/output section of the...