OpenNebula talks @ FOSDEM ’13

We’re happy to announce that OpenNebula will participate in the next edition of FOSDEM ’13 which will be celebrated the 2 & 3 February 2013. You will be able to find us in the Cloud and in the Cross distro developer rooms: Getting Started Hacking on...

CentOS + OpenNebula feedback

OpenNebula is in its way to be included in the official CentOS repos. The packages are already in the ‘testing’ repo, and we need some feedback to move them to the official repos. To make it more fun for everybody we will send an OpenNebula T-Shirt and...

OpenNebula Virtual Router

Using the power of OpenNebula’s contextualization we have built an appliance that when deployed in OpenNebula it will automatically configure a wide variety of networking services, namely: DHCP server NTP server Public network masquerading Port forwarding DNS...