by Tino Vazquez | Sep 28, 2015 | Announcements
The OpenNebula team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the final version of OpenNebula 4.14, codename Great A’Tuin. One of the main focus of this release has been the Sunstone interface, which has been completely refactored for maintenance and...
by Tino Vazquez | Sep 21, 2015 | Announcements
OpenNebula Systems, the company behind the OpenNebula project, have just announced a new pricing plan for OpenNebula Support Subscriptions. With the new plan, the aim is to be as easy to work with as possible, including complete transparency about pricing, no...
by Tino Vazquez | Sep 9, 2015 | Announcements
The OpenNebula project is proud to announce the release of OpenNebula 4.14 ‘Great A’Tuin’ Beta2. This Beta release introduces features not present in Beta1, like like for instance better support for Qcow2 and GPU support for VMs. To support HPC oriented...
by Tino Vazquez | Sep 8, 2015 | Events
Next 12-15 of October, just one week before OpenNebulaConf 2015, a major event in the virtualization world will take place in Barcelona, Spain. We are talking about the VMworld 2015 Europe, a must attend event where almost everyone with an interest in cloud computing...
by Tino Vazquez | Sep 1, 2015 | Newsletter
Check this Newsletter to find out the what kept us busy this month, including the latest developments and events of the OpenNebula project and the community during this last month of August, and the plans for the upcoming months. We would like to remind you that the...