Blog Article:

March 2022 – OpenNebula Newsletter

Alberto P. Martí

VP of Open Source Innovation at OpenNebula Systems

Apr 1, 2022

Welcome to our monthly newsletter! 👋 Sign up now to get timely updates on new releases, community events, tutorials, workshops, webinars, cool hacks, and much more!


With the first quarter of 2022 coming to an end, our Engineering team has been working vigorously to release the latest edition of OpenNebula 6.4, so stay tuned because we’ll be announcing the beta release very soon! 🤓 In the meantime, we produced multiple goodies, especially for enterprise customers. Everyone with an OpenNebula Subscription has now access to the latest EE maintenance release, OpenNebula 6.2.2

Also, for those of you interested in the WHMCS module we launched in February as part of our Enterprise Edition, here you have a new screencast for you to find out how exactly to combine the WHMC billing solution with your OpenNebula cloud. 


In March, we reached out to various corporate users for their feedback and to find out how they are using OpenNebula. One of them was the multinational group behind the powerful digital marketing platforms MailUp. Many thanks to Marco Aroldi (Infrastructure Engineer at Growens) for contributing to our Community Blog with such a nice post explaining how they are using OpenNebula for DevOps!

And for all users out there using the Terraform provider for OpenNebula, you will be glad to know that last month, thanks to the great code contributions from our friends at Iguane Solutions, a new stable version was released! So go ahead and give it a shot, and do not forget to send us your feedback.

Also, kudos to LINBIT not only for joining us as sponsors of the OpenNebulaCon 2022, but also for releasing a new Linstor storage driver for OpenNebula: version 2.0.0.! Don’t forget to give it a check and explore the new amazing features in this release!

OpenNebulaCon CFP Banner


As most of you already know, a couple of days ago we celebrated our ONEedgeDay 2022! 🤩 We organized this virtual event to share with the open source community the new edge computing and multi-cloud features developed through our innovation project ONEedge. We had great guest speakers from iconic organizations such as the European Commission, the Gaia-X Association, the Research Institutes of Sweden, Telefónica I+D, Oracle, SUSE, Threefold Tech, and FullStackS. If you find yourself with some spare time during the weekend, remember that the recordings are already available online!

And speaking of events… the Call for Papers for the OpenNebulaCon 2022 is now open until April 8th, so hurry up! And if you are considering sponsoring our main annual conference, remember that in the Call for Sponsors you’ll find all the details. Needless to say, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information! 📡

PS: Take care of yourselves and of those around you. All our support to those who are fighting the pandemic on the front lines! 💪


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