OpenNebula Blog
OpenNebula 4.14 ‘Great A’Tuin’ is Out!
OpenNebula 4.14 ‘Great A’Tuin’ Beta2 is Out!
OpenNebula 4.14 ‘Great A’Tuin’ Beta 1 released!
New Contextualization Packages
vOneCloud 1.6 Released! Ease vSphere Provisioning
vOneCloud 1.4 Released! Cloudify vSphere Infrastructures
Maintenance Release – OpenNebula Cotton Candy 4.12.1
vOneCloud 1.2.1 is Out!
OpenNebula 4.12 Cotton Candy is Out!
OpenNebula 4.12 Beta released!
vOneCloud 1.2 is Out! Turn your VMware vSphere Infrastructure into a Private Cloud
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