Blog Article:

July 2020 – OpenNebula Newsletter

Alberto P. Martí

VP of Open Source Innovation at OpenNebula Systems

Jul 31, 2020

July 2020 OpenNebula Newsletter contains the highlights of the OpenNebula project and its Community throughout the month.

FC newsletter


The summer break is almost here, but not quite yet! After the release back in mid-June of our new version, the spectacular OpenNebula 5.12 “Firework”, this month our Engineering Team have kept themselves quite busy too. Not happy with producing Maintenance Release 5.12.1 for those Corporate Users with access to our Enterprise Edition, they have also published Patch Release, which brings a number of new features and fixed issues to the users of our Community Edition.

But those have not been the only major announcements in July! An additional development in our enterprise product release cycle was presented a few days ago: the introduction of new LTS versions to reduce the risk, expense, and disruption of software deployment. Starting with OpenNebula 5.12, the very first of them, LTS versions will be maintained and officially supported by OpenNebula Systems for a period of at least 27 months. Not bad, right? 😉

And to make things easier for everyone to get to know the new benefits that OpenNebula 5.12 brings along, we have produced a number of new resources for our users. A new micro-site has been created with more information and materials about Firecracker microVMs, the new virtualization technology developed by AWS and now fully supported by OpenNebula. But there’s more! Here you have an updated version of our white papers, with more details about how to deploy an OpenNebula cloud based on VMware vCenter, KVM, LXD and Firecracker.


And in anticipation of our users having some spare time during their holidays, we’ve been working hard to prepare some interesting readings for you! We’ve published a couple of amazing blog posts lately, both of them illustrating the huge potential of the combination Firecracker + Docker Hub. The first of them comes with a fantastic screencast that guides you through the process of using Firecracker at the Edge for IoT deployments, whereas the second post explains in detail why we’ve fallen in love with the concept of deploying applications containers as microVMs 🤓 And speaking of Docker Hub… don’t forget this public Knowledge Base article about our new native integration with the Docker Hub marketplace!


This has been another month in a row in which our new Webinar series has been a source of inspiration and wisdom (and great live demos!), this time providing our Community with a chance to discover the new version of the OpenNebula Provider for Terraform developed by Iguane Solutions and OpenNebula Systems. Many thanks to Taylor Dolezal (Senior Developer Advocate at HashiCorp) and Jean-Philippe Fourès (Cloud Product Manager at Iguane Solutions) for joining our webinar on Terraform as guest speakers!

And speaking of events… please remember that our OpenNebula Conference 2020, that was going to take place in Brussels (Belgium) in early September, has been re-scheduled for late April 2021 due to the current COVID-19 crisis.

PS: Take care of yourselves and of those around you. All our support to those who are fighting the pandemic on the front lines! 💪


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