Blog Article:

September 2020 – OpenNebula Newsletter

Alberto P. Martí

VP of Open Source Innovation at OpenNebula Systems

Sep 30, 2020

September 2020 OpenNebula Newsletter contains the highlights of the OpenNebula project and its Community throughout the month.


This month, after coming back from a well-deserved summer break, our Engineering Team has been able to produce not one, but two EE Maintenance Releases: versions 5.12.3 and 5.12.4! 🤓 As usual, they brought a number of new features and fixed issues to Corporate Users with an active OpenNebula Subscription.

This month we have also published a new Knowledge Base article for EE users, intended to clarify how our Enterprise Tools can help to simplify their cloud upgrades. One of these tools is called onecfg, a new command that is able to read all the changes and upgrade the configuration files of your OpenNebula cloud all at once. Not bad, right?


We’ve seen lots of amazing Community initiatives in September, including the first steps of a new Docker Images Add-on and a new code contribution to Firecracker related to the support for CPU pinning, which will allow OpenNebula admins to have total flexibility to decide how Firecracker microVMs are isolated within their hosts.

Some weeks ago we also announced a new Managed Service Provider Program, an instrument for OpenNebula Solutions Providers to get the most out of our new Enterprise Edition and Long Term Support model, and build Managed Private Cloud solutions to offer to the broader public.

And last but not least, kudos to Tony Sarajärvi, CI Tech Lead at The Qt Company, for contributing to our Community Blog with such an inspiring guest post on the critical role that OpenNebula plays in Qt’s impressive CI infrastructure, in combination with tools like MAAS, Parallels and Grafana 👏


Earlier this month, just a few days before the European Commission showed its public support for this initiative, we had an incredibly interesting webinar on GAIA-X. This amazing federated data infrastructure project in which OpenNebula participates as one its technology partners is definitely going to change the technological landscape in the near future, so keep tuned!

And speaking of events… if you are interested in Container Orchestration and Serverless Computing at the Edge, don’t forget to join us on October 13 at Edge Computing World 2020 for a talk and a live demo on how to use OpenNebula to run Docker Hub images as Firecracker microVMs on a distributed bare-metal Edge infrastructure! 🚀

PS: Take care of yourselves and of those around you. All our support to those who are fighting the pandemic on the front lines! 💪


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