OpenNebula at CloudOpen 2012

Yesterday we gave a presentation at CloudOpen, an event co-located with LinuxCon in San Diego, US. After a demo of the different web and cloud interfaces that OpenNebula offers, we talked about the advanced features that allow the creation of complex scenarios, and...

OpenNebula 3.6 Sunstone Screenshots

We already posted the main features of OpenNebula 3.6 Beta, which are of course fully supported by Sunstone. But we have been working also on the Sunstone visual appeal, and we will keep polishing the interface for the final release. Here are some preview screenshots:...

OpenNebula Demo Cloud Updated to 3.6 Beta

The OpenNebula Cloud offers a virtual computing environment accessible through two different remote cloud interfaces, OCCI and EC2, and two different web interfaces: Sunstone for cloud administrators, and SelfService for cloud consumers. These interfaces access the...

OpenNebula at FOSDEM 2012

This weekend we were at FOSDEM giving a presentation about OpenNebula development, and how to integrate it with external technologies; you can get the slides on our community page. It was a great opportunity to get feedback from the community, and to meet with the...